søndag 28. juni 2015

Wesley Methodist School Earns Second Green Flag in Ghana

Wesley Methodist School in Akosombo becoms second to earn the Green-Flag in West Africa!
Since we formally began the Eco-School program in July 2014, Wesley Methodist school has been an active partidipator in network meetings and more importantly in implementing their own action plan. Eco-Schhol Ghana has with great enthusiasem followed their development. It was therfore with great pride we witnessed West-Africas second Eco-School hoising their Green Flag. 

fredag 3. april 2015

The new member Schools starts Organic Farming

VRA No1 Junior High School our latest attendanes
In April we went to VRA No 1 Junior High School. We had allready managed to get their teacher and students co-ordinators involved, but we did not actually introduce the programme to the entire school. Finally we got a chance, it is really inpireing to see the excitement among the teachers and the students.  

mandag 2. mars 2015

Eco-School Clubs finding their rutines

The students Eco-School club holds their weekly meeting at Akosombo International School

The 7. steps of the Eco-Schools require that students are represented in the Eco-School committee that oversees the annual process at the school. Our children has however stated that they want to be more involved, and according to the tradition of having student clubs at Ghanaian schools - we have approved that Eco-School clubs are established.