YRE stands for Young
Reporters for the Environment, and is a program run by FEE who also runs
Eco-Schools. Young Reporters, aged between 11 and 21, investigate environmental
issues and problems and propose solutions through investigative reporting,
photographic or video journalism. Eco-Schools Ghana runs YRE in Ghana, and will
this year for the first time enter the international competition with our
national winners from Akosombo International School. You can read more about
the competition here. You can read their report that will be submitted for the international YRE competition below:
Waste and Litter is choking Ghana
By Aminata Fall, Flavian Opoku, Lisa Gyamera, Persis Doosogla, Stephanie Esinam Nyidu from Akosombo International School
By Aminata Fall, Flavian Opoku, Lisa Gyamera, Persis Doosogla, Stephanie Esinam Nyidu from Akosombo International School
The Environmental Protection Agency in Ghana has made it clear that waste management is one of our biggest problems. This is due to an increased population. In our everyday life, we produce waste. - But are we thinking of the effects of the waste we produce on the earth? The improper disposal of waste has a serious and dangerous impact on the earth and living things of the earth. For example garbage thrown in the streets and in open areas can cause health hazard; litter and waste dumped into water bodies such as lakes, lagoons and seas can contaminate these water bodies and it inhabitants; rubbish that is burned openly in countries like India and Ghana releases harmful and toxic gases into the atmosphere depleting the ozone layer; some litter dumped in drainage systems make their ways to sewerage systems blocking pipelines and chocking gutters leading to floods like we have seen in Accra. Garbage dumped in the country side is not simply an eyesore but also ruins the entire land, atmosphere, water bodies and living organisms. This has to change, and you and I are the solution.
The Nature of waste
It is a fact that most cities with high
population produce a lot of waste and litter. In most cities such as Accra,
Bombay and the rest have a lot of litter in the open space, drainage system and
what not. This is because in these cities, people produce a lot of waste and
the more the individuals, the more waste and litter produce making management
and disposal zero effective. Ghana produces 2800 metric tons of waste a day
according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
These are some pictures from the the way our
environment is gradually becoming. Because of the little things that we do such
as littering, dumping of waste into water bodies, improper burning of waste and
leaving waste on open land. Waste can be liquid or solid, hazardous such as
batteries and organic such as leftover food. A primary objective of waste management
today should be to protect the public and the environment from potentially
harmful effects of waste. Some waste materials are normally safe, but can
become hazardous if not managed properly.
The methods we have adapted have become very dangerous to our environment. Instead of getting rid of waste efficiently, it is polluting our environment. These methods have brought about air and water pollution and also land degradation.
For example, one gallon of used motor oil can potentially contaminate one million gallon of drinking water. The first human did not worry about waste management. They simply left their garbage where it dropped. However, as the world evolved and humans become more open minded and decided to effectively dispose of their waste. These ways they have adapted have become dangerous to the environment. There are for basic ways of managing the waste worldwide:Dumping it, Burning it, Finding another use for it and Waste prevention
For example, one gallon of used motor oil can potentially contaminate one million gallon of drinking water. The first human did not worry about waste management. They simply left their garbage where it dropped. However, as the world evolved and humans become more open minded and decided to effectively dispose of their waste. These ways they have adapted have become dangerous to the environment. There are for basic ways of managing the waste worldwide:Dumping it, Burning it, Finding another use for it and Waste prevention
Ways by which we currently dispose of our waste and litter and their effects on the environment.
By the American Veterinary Medical
Foundation, waste is everything that no longer has a use or purpose and needs
to be disposed of right.
Individuals including you and I are
conscious of our environment and so we manage to dispose of our waste. Do you
know that, the ways in which we treat our waste affects the other aspects of
our environment badly? These activities include:
of rubbish in drainage system chocks the city
Most of the individuals especially in
cities get rid of their unwanted rubbish by disposing them off in drainage
systems and open spaces. These wastes get into the sewerage systems choking
pipelines and gutters causing flood in our various homes and communities. Toxic
chemicals can filter down through a dump and contaminate groundwater. The
liquid that filters through a dump or landfill is called leachate.
of waste is burning our health
Most people burn their rubbish in open
air. But this way of managing our waste is very deadly. Burning of these waste releases
harmful and toxic fumes into the atmosphere. These toxic fumes have their own
side effects. This includes depletion of ozone layer, health hazard to our
respiratory system, pollutes the atmosphere and also destroys fertility of the
land. Some American cities began their garbage in the late nineteenth century
in devices called cremators. These were no very efficient.
of rubbish in water bodies is dumping of rubbish on our plates
The dumping of waste does not just take
place only on land. In most countries, example Ghana, our water bodies are full
of garbage. Reason is we dispose of majority of our sewage in the sea. Ocean dumping,
in which barges carry garbage out to sea was once used as a disposal method by
some United State coastal cities and is still practiced by some nations. This
contaminates the sea and other water bodies. Living organisms living in the sea
face danger. Some of these waste products, especially from hospitals and laboratories
contain dangerous chemicals which become very harmful to these organisms. It is
a fact that, in the ecosystem we depend on some living organisms for food, and
in this case, the fish and other creatures from the sea serve as a source of
food. The harmful chemicals poison these organisms and also make them poisonous
to us when we eat them. Some of these organisms that dwell in these water
bodies may die. Most people, who live in the rural areas, tend to dispose of
their garbage close to water bodies. This garbage finds their way into the
water, polluting it.

Photo 1. From internet, 2. YRE
photo walk
Littering; you may think
it is small but all together it literarily chock us
Litter is a disorderly accumulation of
objects or carelessly discarded refuse such as waste paper. This is the most
common way by which individuals dispose of their rubbish. In cities with high
population density, littering is common. Some people litter everywhere, on the
beach, in market places and other public places. There is an adage that,
‘little drops of water makes a mighty ocean’. We may start littering our
environment and very soon our environment will become an eyesore and our
environment will not look like a place for human beings to live in. the little
things that we do which we think does not affect the environment will
definitely have an effect later. This include, littering of the package of a
lollipop, throwing away the small rubber sea of a bottle and throwing little
pieces of paper on a school compound. This leads to breeding grounds vermin and
In both cases, waste and litter can be
used for some activities and the useless ones can be disposed of properly. In
most countries, for example when we use paper, they dispose it, but in actual
fact, the paper can be recycled into toilet paper.
Proper and efficient ways of disposing
our waste whilst protecting our environment at the same time is possible
and organizations have come up with the idea of recycling. The question, is
recycling very effective till date? Do people find it convenient to separate
their litter before disposing it? Are recycling companies doing their part in
efficiently recycling our waste in other not to cause public health hazard? We
would throw more light on the efficient ways of disposing and managing our
without jeopardizing the environment. Give
a hoot; do not pollute. Lend a hand, care for the land!
You can easily help reduce waste being
produced: Use cloth bags or reusable bags and containers when shopping,
traveling. Choose products that are reusable. Shop second hand. You can find
great used and used clothes at low cost to you and the environment. Buy items
made up of recycled contents. Buy in bulk rather than individual packages, this
will reduce packaging and save you a lot of money. Pack leftovers for lunch.
Don’t be the one that others must clean up after.
and segregation.
We always hear of recycling and we
always link it to industries recycling bottles and other waste. In actual fact,
recycling starts from us the individuals. The question is, what do I do as an
individual to recycle my waste? This all starts from self-discipline. According
to the Environmental Protection Agency, recycling waste is just 30%. We can
start by separating our rubbish. We can have different bins containing
different rubbish. For instance, we can have a paper bin, plastic bin and
organic bin. What do we benefit from separating our rubbish? If we have a bin
full of bottles, it is easier to disinfect it and use it for other purposes.
Paper can be sent to toilet paper making industries to produce toilet paper. In
our homes, instead of using oil to fry foods, we can use the fat from the food
(chicken), if necessary to fry the food.

by Mrs Hilde Opoku and Mrs Margaret Ayernor from another Eco-School in Akosombo
separating their wast and sending it for recycling at a toiletpaper factory
most times, in our homes we throw away things that have become old fashioned
and purchase new ones. Some of the clothes can be sewn into other useful things
such as bags and can be even used as decoration.
landfill is a popular and favored approach when it comes to waste disposal.
Landfill is when the waste is being buried in the land. This waste must be
properly dealt with and then buried. Usually, wastes that do not decompose or
are difficult to recycle are buried. Most countries which use the landfill
method do not do this effectively because they leave it on the land and birds
come and pick some of the waste and send it around making our environment
dirty. It is better to create a big indent in the land and fill it with the
waste rather than leaving it on the bare piece of land.
is the most easiest and effective method of effectively managing our waste.
Organic waste can be used as compost for farming to improve the fertility of
the soil. This can be used for large scale farming or backyard farming instead
of the use of fertilizers which tend to make our food unhealthy. It is high
time we make organic waste into organic food. Let us try composting in our
homes too.
In Ghana we like to burn our rubbish or
waste in open air which is not 100% efficient. Therefore, it is better to burn rubbish
in an incinerator, which will not pollute the fumes that come out. In Norway,
we learnt that when they burn their rubbish, the hot fumes which is emitted is
used to heat water which is sent to a lot of homes for use. We can also, burn
our waste and instead of leaving the fumes to pollute the environment, we can
use it for something more beneficial such as heating water or even used to
generate electricity.
The challenges for Waste management
companies in Ghana
Most waste management companies face a
lot of challenges such as lack of waste infrastructure, inadequate finance,
lack of the government’s intervention apathy on the path of individuals of the
society. Due to these problems, it makes it look as if the waste management
companies in our country are not doing their best. Therefore, we plead with the
government and individuals to help these waste management industries in terms
of finance and resources so that they can work effectively.
In our opinion, it is not too late to
rectify this problem. Just know that change comes from the individual and not
the Government. But we should enforce the government to improve the
infrastructure for waste management. If we want real change then we should start
by changing our attitudes towards how we dispose of our waste. Let us do the
right thing and be each other’s keeper. Let us work together to keep the
environment save for our future generation!
2016 Encyclopedia.com
2016 Today’s news
paper; Qualtek Ghana
Photos by:
Mrs Margaret Ayernor
Mrs Hilde Opoku
Sandra Abena Opoku
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