Dir George Ahadzie of Green Earth Organization, who has the ownership to Eco-Schools in Ghana gives a speach on the urgency to act to save the environment in Ghana and elswere. |
Program Dir of Eco-Schools Ghana presented a powerpoint on the possibilities for schools and local communities to work systematically towards sustainability through the methods of Eco-Schools. |
The school has worked on a variety of themes: They have started waste seperation into three fractions; Paper, Plastics and food waste; The food waste is turned into manure and used in the school garden where they grow corn and plantain; they have also used water sachets in their art classes to see what other products it coud be reused for. At the certification program we saw a display of some of these, including sandals, purses, a rain cote etc;
The school has also collected stones to make boundaries around the trees to stop erosion and regrow the gras on the students playing ground.
Protecting the the trees from creating erosion on the schools play ground |
To hand out The Green flag, Eco-School ambassadors from Norway and Ghana had traveled from near and far to attend the event. It was a lovely seremoni in the Auditorium of the School. The entire student body of the School was present at the event and they all somehow contributed to it. For instans by welcoming all the guests by singing.
The schools Eco-School Commitee also talked about their work towards beeing sertified and they preformed cultural displays and dances to the enjoyment of all present. Our program Director, Hilde Opoku, spoke to gave a power pont presentation to the audience on Eco-School, and congratulated the students with the hard work and the flag. She stressed the importance of what they are doing and thanked them for getting onboard for a sustainable development far beyond Akosombo. Teachers and Director George Ahadzie from The Greenearth Organisation also spoke on the same topics.
The students gave several wonderful cultural displays with traditional dancing and singing. A student also made an extraordinary presentation of the poem "I am the environment" Written by Eco-School coordinator in Akosombo Mrs Margaret Ayernoor.
Traditional dances by the students |
Plantain and mais from the school garden given to Eco-Schools Ghana representatives |
All participants were finally invited for refreshments.
We salute Wesley Methodist School with their achivement and encourage them to keep up the god work!